Story Time Newsletter: Local Author Fair

Story Time Newsletter: Local Author Fair

Feb 24, 2023

Don't forget that this weekend is our first Local Author Fair at River Bookshop! On Saturday and Sunday, February 25-26th, we're hosting ten local authors each day, with Saturday geared towards adults and Sunday geared towards children's books. The fair is upstairs in the Hole in the Wall from 12-4pm, where you can meet the authors, talk to them about their writing, and get your books signed and personalized. 


This also means that we're excited to bring local talent to our Sunday Story Time! On Sunday, February 26th at 1pm, three lovely local children’s authors will be reading for us. Amy Soucie, Duncan Lam, and Jane Ripley will each be reading one of their books to our Story Time Club members (so, don’t forget to join the club by sending an email to 


Amy Soucie’s book, “The Pug That Got Away” is the delightful tale of Otis the Pug, who must find his way home after he gets lost. This book is based on a true story.

Duncan Lam’s books, including “Mighty Super Zero,” have adorable illustrations and positive messaging perfect for kids. “The Mighty Zero” is now also available in a bilingual edition that tells the story in both English and French. 

Jane Ripley’s book, “Imagine This…Imagine That…” is a fun and funny book of poetry that is co-authored by Jane’s grandson, Aidan.


You won’t want to miss this great opportunity to meet and interact with these great local authors!

The River Bookshop Team