Stephen King's New Book HOLLY, Out Today

Stephen King's New Book HOLLY, Out Today

Sep 5, 2023

I have been a Stephen King fan forever. The Stand is the only book I have read three times and it’s a monster at 1152 pages. But I know I will read it again. Question: should we have a book club to discuss what really happened in that book? I have read Salem's Lot two times and it is also on a future reread list. I think if you haven’t read King before it’s a good book to start with. 

While King writes fiction, it often collides with present day events. Reading 11/22/63 reminded me of the day president John Kennedy was assassinated. Who hasn’t wondered what would have happened if Kennedy had lived? Would there have been a Vietnam War? Under the Dome sure seems to echo the way some Republicans are trying to take control of the United States. After reading The Stand, did it cause you to wonder about the origin of SARS or COVID-19? And the Green Mile was so good it was made into a great movie with Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan. 

In King’s newest book we meet up with Holly again. We first met “Holly the mumbler” in Mr Mercedes on page 214. Given King’s “she’s just weird” intro of her, I never expected much. Then in Finders Keepers, and more recently in The Outsider, she kept growing. Holly is now a full-fledged, smart, and occasionally tough private detective. This time she is on her own and up against a pair of unimaginably depraved and brilliantly disguised characters only King could create. 

If you see our Holly display in store you will see my book 21 Leadership Lessons, and you might wonderwhat the hell is it doing there? Good question — you see, I believe one can learn things from reading all kinds of books. I have quoted from author Dean Koontz’s book Innocence … "Each book is a mind alive, a life revealed, a world awaiting exploration." In my career, I connected a lot of dots to realize my ambition of running an NBA basketball franchise. This quote by King from Revival really brought the idea home for me: "When we look back, we think our lives form patterns; every event starts to look logical, as if something — or someone — has mapped out all our steps (and missteps?) … Once upon a time, I would have said we choose our paths at random: this happened, then that, hence the other. Now I know better." I even use this quote in my book.

We have a broad selection of titles by Stephen King including lots of his brand new book Holly, out today. If we don’t have the King title you are looking for, just ask our booksellers and they will order it for you. Or go on our new sexy website and order there. Please shop local and let River Bookshop be your source for this book and other future reads. 

So, "constant reader" — remember that Books are Magic! After all, it's not just us who believe this. Stephen King said it himself in On Writing: "Books are a uniquely portable magic."


Author and Bookseller